Photography Courses

Photography is a very popular and exciting hobby as well as a desired career path for many. Traditionally, photography courses are taken in person. However, online photography classes are also a reality.  Students no longer have to find an institution to enroll in a photography class, they can simply seek out an online course. Online programs […]

Each individual thinker has a unique style and thought process that is based upon their personality type. According to the Myers Briggs personality theory, there are two main types – introverted thinking (Ti) and extroverted thinking (Te). Introverted thinkers seek logic and consistency within their internal framework in order to solve problems and come to

Silicon Valley High School is an accredited, private, online high school that is proud to offer NCAA approved online courses that meet the NCAA core course requirements at just $125 per course. When it comes to learning, the student experience is very important, and SVHS aims to make all courses not only educational but fun


Taking science classes in high school is mandatory, and it is a good idea to educate yourself on what to expect. Online courses are great because they offer much more flexibility for learning since you are able to learn at your own pace. As you prepare for online high school science classes, you should be

We would like to congratulate Carter Steadman on earning honors as the Silicon Valley High School Student of the Month! During the last few months, Carter has displayed remarkable dedication to his schoolwork and shown that he is the type of student who always strives to do his best on every assignment or task he

It’s no secret that homeschooling is much different from the traditional school system and its learning methods. With everything going on in the world, many parents are having to get comfortable with the idea of remote learning. Many have even found that they prefer it over regular schooling. Despite the belief that homeschooling is less

With millions of children in the U.S staying home this school year and trying to find their way through the chaos of adjusting to homeschooling, many parents are wondering how long this will go on. Even more important, will education ever look the same after all of this? It is no secret that people are

Students all over the world are having to adjust to missing school as a result of the global pandemic. Many schools have completely shut down for the rest of the year, some opting for virtual learning. These closures may even go on for longer than anyone thought they would. This has sent many people into

Final exams can be stressful, and it is easy to lose hope when you’re feeling overwhelmed. School is not always so fun, and what comes after? A full-time adult job? That doesn’t sound very exciting either, but you can make it be! Finally getting to graduate high-school and eventually college means that you can be

It’s pretty easy to accumulate bad habits, we’ve all been there. One more minute of free time in front of the television becomes an hour and before you know it a big part of the day has been lost! Taking breaks is good, healthy even, but taking too many and for too long is just